5 Daily Practices to Create a Better Tomorrow

Change is vital to reach our potential – and I firmly believe that opportunities are not simply coincidence but often created. I am convinced that how you chose to live each day significantly impacts the days to come. 

It is commonly said if you are not growing, you are dying.  When we consider that growth comes in all shapes and sizes – exhilaration or pain, success or failure, the grind or the coast – growth occurs regardless of circumstance if we are intentional about it.

Consider our intentional daily practices like the concept of compounding. Each day builds on the last.  Each year builds on the previous.  Momentum is created. Not additive, but exponential.  Commonly imperceivable change snowballs into unforeseen accomplishments.

Intentional growth compounds over time.

At our core, we do not desire daily monotony.  We want to live abundant, meaningful lives.  We seek a life that impacts others and has a richness of experiences, fulfillment, relationships, and purpose.  But such a life comes at a cost… are you willing to pay the price?

So let me ask you a simple question:  What are you doing everyday to make tomorrow better?


1) Establish an Infinite Mindset

I don’t know about you, but too often I have a checklist mentality.  Narrow focus. Task completed. Move on. It is far easier to complete menial daily tasks and check them off my list than to engage deep thought and grind through items that positively impact my trajectory.  And while I may grab a momentary gold star, it rarely impacts the long-term goal.

Focus today on what will move you forward tomorrow.

When considering an infinite mindset, it requires you to take a deeper look at what drives you (i.e. your Why, your just cause) and vision you have going forward.  Of course, it may adapt as time, circumstances and environments change, but it provides clarity to your intent and actions.

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” — Helen Keller

Many give up working on their dreams when the first obstacle arises – or become disillusioned with the lack of overnight success.  Often when the wind is taken out of your sails with those first setbacks, your line of sight may no longer seem as defined. Adversity should not alter your vision.

Embracing challenges differentiate those who live into their just cause versus those who settle for less. If you choose instant gratification and comfort over perseverance, you may miss not only success, but significance. Vision matters.

Having a vision for your life allows you to live out of hope, rather than out of fear.


Remind yourself of your long-term vision each day.  Write it down on a card and have it in a place that you see it before the day gets long. By reflecting on the long-term, it will be easier to prioritize the activities of the day.

If you are not passionate or motivated by your vision, go back and watch the “Start with Why” TedTalk by Simon Sinek. Then spend time to refine your Why, your vision, and the path that will be required to get there.  Write them down – and share them with someone in your 5% group.

Aligning goals for your year to the vision for your life creates a synergistic alignment and heightens clarity in decision-making.


2) Own Your Morning

“If you win the morning, you win the day.” — Tim Ferriss

The journey of a lifetime begins with a single step.  And to win today, you need to conquer your morning.  It isn’t about the time you get up but recognizing morning activities significantly influences the rest of your day.

Much has been written on productive morning routines. Perhaps most important is to recognize if you are not creating one, you might unconsciously create one that hinders your attitude or daily success.  The only rule with owning your morning is finding constructive activities that bring positive focus and energy your day.

What does your morning routine say about the day ahead? 

Experts would suggest – everything.


Plan to wake up early tomorrow – and plan what you will do with that extra time. Even if it is 15 minutes spent in reflection, meditation, reading or prayer – the impact will be noted in short order. If you can get up an hour earlier, dedicate some time to exercise, meditate, write, read or look ahead to the day.

Make your bed.  It is a simple task, that holds profound value on your psyche.

Hydrate early.

Exercise.  Value the gift of your body – even the smallest investment daily has long-term impact.

Take 5 Minutes of Mindfulness.  This could be spent in meditation, prayer, or reflection.  In addition, many will use a morning journal to focus on gratitude, goals, and affirmations. The 5 Minute Journal is a good example of this.

Be realistic. Trying to get up early and failing can be a frustrating way to start the day.  Find what works – and extend the routine once established.

Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any better.


3) Optimize Your Day

We all know that aligning our most important work with our most productive time each day is a no brainer. Much has been written about how the most productive people align their most important work with their peak focus periods during the day. Realize our energy and focus follow a natural cycle during the day – so there’s no point doing focus-intensive work when your energy levels are low.

I will also suggest that if you reflect on your best days in the past few months, it included activities beyond what you might suggest make up your daily routine.  For Einstein, his optimal day consisted of 9+ hours of sleep, breakfast while reading the paper, walked (or drove) to work, intensive work for 3 hours, lunch, a short nap before a cup of tea and additional time for work from home. 

Simple routine. Dedicated time.  Focused on his most important work.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to become over-scheduled by someone other than yourself.  Avoid this at all cost. Why let others agenda’s dictate your most productive time?

Instead, consider applying the ultra-scheduler mindset.  This is the intentional mindset around pre-designating your schedule to include some of the aforementioned content along with important work during times that optimize productivity.


Create your perfect day (this can be applied related to work, family, vacation, etc.) – which should include not just work alignment but have built in margin.

Consider using airplane mode during your morning routine. 

Start your workday with your most important work.  If needed, take a few minutes the night prior to define what is essential for the coming day(s).

If possible, avoid the urge to check email or social media prior to engaging in your pre-designated important work. 

Refine your perfect day over time. Identify your work priorities and align them to your daily productivity curve whenever possible.


4) Be Filled Daily

Jim Rohn is often quoted as saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  Simply stated, choose the people around you wisely because they will significantly impact your daily mood, perspective, goals and ambitions.

If you surround yourself with grateful, motivated, wise people, those qualities will help drive you to be similar. On the other hand, if you associate with people who engage in self-destructive habits or create feelings of self-doubt and anxiety, those habits will impact you negatively.

Take it one step further – what you listen to and learn from daily will impact you even more.  What content do you consume daily? Are you an avid consumer of positive leadership content or creative life hacks? Keep in mind, it is nearly impossible to create an extraordinary life with negative media feeds, toxic people, and pointless reality shows. Instead, consume intriguing and inspirational content daily – and write down what you learned and how you hope to apply it.


Make a list of the Top 5 people you spend time with and include the first 3 adjectives that come to mind for each of them.  Review the list and ask yourself if it’s time to make a change.

Identify 2-3 content sources (i.e. podcasts, daily words of wisdom, etc.) that speak to you, motivate you, and challenge your daily walk.  Set aside time each day for 1 of these items and build it into your schedule.

Take a moment at the end of every day to identify 2-3 things (or people) that you are grateful for - and make a point to let them know.

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


5) Prioritize Self-Care

I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent, it is simply survival.  While not often a daily priority, there are endless studies on the value of quality sleep, exercise, and healthy eating. Self-care is more vital than you probably realize but often the first thing to go when commitments call. But it is your life doesn’t have a self-care routine, it’s going to be hard to be truly successful and fulfilled.

Not taking adequate care of your body will lower the quality of your life, bring forward certain medical complications in time and likely impact your productivity. We all know that our health is the foundation of our lives, yet we often forget to act accordingly.

That’s why I remind myself of this principle every single day.


Start treating your body like it is the only one you have.

Prioritize quality sleep. Einstein reportedly slept for almost 10 hours per day – nearly 1.5x more than then average American today.  It’s time to show your brilliance – get some rest.

Spend a few minutes outside each day just listening and watching.  Perhaps take a walk. But be mindful of what you are hearing and seeing that has escaped you in the past.

Build up an exercise routine that includes stretching.  Mix it up often and challenge yourself.


Too often we make our lives far more complex and difficult than it needs to be.  These 5 principles are certainly not the only answers but will undoubtedly have a positive impact.  Be courageous and embrace these principles – it may not be easy – but then again, nothing in life that is worthwhile ever has been.

1)      Establish an Infinite Mindset: Create a vision that inspires you to give your best everyday

2)     Own Your Morning: Set the stage for your daily success

3)     Optimize Your Day: Make a commitment to yourself to prioritize what matters most

4)     Be Filled Daily: Seek positive content to fill your mind and your soul

5)     Prioritize Self-Care: Dedicate time and effort to ensure your body is ready for the long haul

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